national socialist party|national socialist party in English

German Nationalist Socialist party headed by Hitle

Use "national socialist party|national socialist party" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "national socialist party|national socialist party" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "national socialist party|national socialist party", or refer to the context using the word "national socialist party|national socialist party" in the English Dictionary.

1. What does Brownshirt mean? A uniformed member of the German National Socialist Party (NSDAP)

2. The party has a broadly socialist orientation.

3. Are you a dedicated National Socialist, Major?

4. The party has drifted too far from its socialist ideals.

5. Fitt was the closest thing to a socialist in the party.

6. During the 1977–1993 one-party socialist rule, Michel held various ruling party and ministerial portfolios.

7. South Yemen developed as a Marxist, mostly secular society ruled first by the National Liberation Front, which later morphed into the ruling Yemeni Socialist Party.

8. The party in power planned to bulldoze through a full socialist programme.

9. 26 The Socialist Workers' Party seemed to split into several splinter groups.

10. "Blood and soil" was a key slogan of National Socialist (Nazi) ideology.

11. The argumentum ad Baculum played an important role in National Socialist education

12. Andropovian Party - Noun - Socialist political party from Orinda that worships the greatest lperson in history and follows his great example.

13. The activities of the Socialist Party strengthened and widened the social base of the government .

14. 20 He was not an opposition supporter but an ardent disciple of MrMilosevic's Socialist party.


16. The current Socialist leader suggested his party form part of a new grouping of the left.

17. The Socialist Party reached its peak in 1912 when Debs won 6% of the popular vote.

18. The National Party won by a landslide.

19. First of all, the Baath Party was a Pan-Arab socialist party that sought to unite the entire Arab world under Baathist rule.

20. The member of the ruling socialist party who voted against it , Louka Katseli , has been expelled from the party by Prime Minister George Papandreou .

21. ‘The actions were called by all seven of the main trade union Confederations and all the parties of the left, including the Socialist Party.’ ‘As organizations, each national party is a decentralized and loose Confederation of state parties and of other affiliated groups.’

22. And collapse of the Socialist Mexican Party in 1989. Morocco – End of the Western Sahara War in 1991.

23. The name "Parti National" is soon abandoned and the party calls itself the Liberal party.

24. That year the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) came to power, the first left-wing government in 43 years.

25. A three party coalition was formed under the socialist Gabriel Costa and das Neves was member of the government.